Allison has a passion for the mission of Ladies Connected, Inc. and constantly ponders on the various ways that Ladies Connected can reach all people in our nation and abroad. She has a huge vision for what God has called her to do and she works daily at devoting her life to living God’s purposes. Her life purpose is to have freedom in empowering and uplifting others to discover their
internal gifts.
Ultimately, Ladies Connected was developed when Allison was at a low point in her life and she did not think she had the strength to create, but God gave her the vision and resources to push out what she had inside of herself. She really had to go within to figure out all of the lessons that God would teach her through her struggles.
Allison’s struggles have been the catalyst for digging deep within herself to begin her path to self-discovery. She has questioned everything about herself, from her looks, to her confidence, to her self-worth, to how she has valued her friendships, relationships, family, co-workers, and even her interactions with strangers.
The situations in her life have forced her to look at life from all angles, from growing up, to the hard decisions she’s had to make, to her successes, and even the failures she’s made. She realized through all of the questions she has asked herself over time that she must lean and depend upon God rather than herself.
Moreover, Allison’s goals through Ladies Connected are to show others how to dig deep and be persistent, to share their personal gifts and treasures, to live out their dreams, and to have joy at the same time. It can be done because Allison has proven through her life story that she can be a voice of triumph, hope, and an overcomer of unbeatable odds set against her.
Additionally, Allison's experiences have proven to be instrumental in raising her awareness of the limitless potential available for anyone that has a vision. This strong belief in the power of personal and professional excellence gave rise to the birth of her company, Vision Global Enterprises. As the Founder of Vision Global Enterprises, she provides consulting and coaching services, as well as group seminar opportunities for corporate or private organizations. Through Vision Global Enterprises, she also enjoys personal coaching that facilitates individual growth for greater internal freedom and personal abundance.
Allison believes it is so important to live out her dreams everyday, which inspired her to write her first book to help others walk towards their dreams too. Allison is the author of "Make Your Life Match Your Vision" that can inspire many to reach their desired goals necessary to maximize their potential in all areas. Allison's life mission focuses on encouraging others to pursue their vision and purpose with vigor.
Each day Allison is committed to becoming a better person than she was the day before. She is dedicated to raising her beautiful 12 year old daughter and balancing her other obligations too. She has a deep relationship with God, as well as a strong family and friend support that helps keep her encouraged through all of life’s triumphs and challenges. Ladies Connected is definitely one of God’s ministries that will step-by-step impact the world.